Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Out With a Bang

We are now on winter break, but that doesn't mean the two days before break were without excitement.

On Monday we had a basketball game. Both teams lost. By a lot of points. Like, a really big lot of points. We scored one basket. Yeah, one. Fortunately (?) the other team lost by just as much, so I don't feel like it's just my team. The girls are always full of spirit and have fun though, so that's what's important. Well, that and not crying. Baby steps. All I can say is that when we finally win a game it will be the best day ever.

I gave a test on Monday. Before we even went over the test or the kids had even looked at it, one student in each class raised their hand and asked if there were retakes. Ummm, how about you TRY taking the test first?

Another student came up to ask me what would happen if she didn't finish the test. I told her she had two hours and would be fine, since everyone in the last block had finished. She replied with "Well, I didn't really have time to study". Oh, that's not actually an excuse...

On Tuesday I gave them colored candy canes. One girl came up to me and asked me for one because she said she hadn't had one yet. I told her that was interesting, since her mouth was completely blue. She told me it was her new lipstick. Nice try kiddo.

I also received a Christmas card from a student that said "Merry Christmas. Oh, and Happy Hanukkah in case you are Jewish". PC and thoughtful.

Two weeks of winter break to get caught up on life, but also two weeks without hilarious stories. They might be wacky kids, but I miss them when they aren't around.

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