Tuesday, December 4, 2012


We've been running our car factory simulation in class for the past few days but finished on Friday.The students were either factory owners or child laborers. Today, I was doing something and noticed some kids passing a note and getting rowdy. I collected the note and read this:

"Pike Manufacturing,
Hello and congratulations on being a proud employee of Pike Manufacturing, as an employee. As employees it is your job to manufacture cars, these cars are to be in pristine condition, or we might just have to fire you. Pike Manufacturing pays its employees 8 credits per car unless one is not passed, then you are paid 5 credits per car. Anyone will be hired even if they have a criminal record or are poorer than dirt.

The cars will be sold to Hicadin Vehicles that pay ten credits poer car. Once hired you will sit in assigned seats that you will sit in for the remainder of the day. Our company uses an assembly line tactic where your job is only to draw one part of the vehicle and pass it on to the next worker. After working for seven hours, the workday ends and you will exit from several exits. Once the workday begins you are advised to come on time or risk a pay cut. After repeating the day several times you will be issued a performance report that will have things you can improve on.

Now, we have a possibility of combining businesses, so if it happens prepare for the following possibilities: New workspace, new pay, new workers and new conditions. We won't loser the new items, so they will possibly be better. After accepting the job you shall go to your workstation, work and then move to W's business and work for them. Our business will be the most pristine company. We guarantee our workers are 100% happy or we will improve your working conditions.

This contract cannot be interfered by except by the following people: W, J and P. This contract has no expiration date. You cannot go on strike and you may not form a union. Tearing this contract will not make a difference because it's on file on computer. After ten days you will receive a 1 credit increase that will never be deducted. You will also have the following insurance:
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Fire Insurance
Gas Insurance
War Insurance
Animal Insurance
Home Insurance
Transportation Insurance"

Dare I say they are excited about class AND learning something?! Can it be??

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