You're hip to the jive snappy doll!
And how, Daddy!
The nifty bull pinched a doll.
The sap thought he was putting on the ritz, but he was all wet.
I make some pretty good clams selling giggle water, you could say I'm an egg since I have a flivver and a jitney, and look at my get-up! Wait a second, you're a bull trying to pinch me off, you better use your gams to get out of here because I'm about to bump you off! Pow, pow! That was a bit of a kill joy wasn't it, eh old boy?
Jane, what's eating you, don't you have a Daddy? I can give you a whoopee and we can go to the arcade. but, I must warn you, I'm the bee's knee's in this get-up. I'm not good at beating my gums. I'm balled up and me and my dogs are getting out of here.
I promise, those make sense :)
We also learned about 20s fashion and made life-size paper dolls with 20s style. Here's some great ones:
The kids are pretty into putting their faces through the holes when they walk by them. It's fabulous.
I asked the kids to write everything they thought they knew about the 20s into the letter I gave them. Clearly we needed to start from square one...
This group had a big fat nothing. I kind of felt bad because their letter looked sad so I tossed them a bone with "jazz age". I thought that would maybe get the ball rolling...not so much.
I'm really into this one. They have drawn a picture of a pyramid, a square with some stars, a man with a barbell or a gun or something and an airplane. They have written "old people" "WWII" and "Beatles". Needless to say, we were starting with a clean slate on the history front here.
In other news...
Today this table group was messing around while I was talking about something and I told one of the boys to knock it off. He came up to the front of the room, got down on one knee and handed me a starburst. They are somehow annoying and fantastic all at the same time. It was also the nicest way anyone has ever tried to give me a starburst. I declined, it was a yellow one.
We were watching clips from 20s movies today and the kids were really confused about the words on the screen until I explained that it was the dialogue. They were rattled about why people didn't understand how to record sound.
2 boys had this to say about ladies fashion in the 20s: "They all wear stupid hats. Big, stupid hats." "Their hair looks like Top Ramen"
He's kind of right about the Top Ramen...
A girl came in yesterday and kept whispering to me. It got really annoying (I DO have a limit to the amount of annoying things I can take in a day) and I finally asked her what was going on. She said she had "an allergic reaction to her perfume". This "allergic reaction" somehow only impacted her ability to speak in a normal voice. I finally told her to just stop talking. Oddly enough, she was totally fine in some of her other classes. It's amazing how children can heal themselves when it's convenient!
A boy came in the other day wearing shorts and holding his pants. I was kind of wondering why he was now holding the jeans he had been wearing and he told me he just couldn't make it the whole day in jeans. I have noticed he's a a pretty strict khaki policy.
That same kid keeps playing this super annoying high pitched sound on his computer to see if I can hear it or not. I'll be doing something and think "what is that terrible noise?" and then realize it's him and yell his name. I keep looking over to see him just holding up the illuminati sign. I think it's one of those noises that old people can't hear, except that I'm NOT old, and I CAN hear it.
Middle School - Livin' the Dream.
Thank you for starting to write again! I love this post!