Today I went to the wrestling meet at our school to announce the wrestlers. It was a really intense job. I mean, there are some confusing names out there people. The thing I didn't know was that middle school wrestling is not for the faint of heart. I'm pretty sure I had a look of horror on my face for the entire 2 hours. The things I saw that I can never un-see:
-A kid with a tampon in his nose and blood all over his hands
-Tiny 6th graders in onesies (or as the professionals call them, singlets) crying after their match (or whatever you call it. I clearly learned nothing)
-Kids holding their necks and crying
-Kids kind of choking other kids a teensy bit. I mean, how do you know when you're about to not be able to breath??
-Kids using other kids' butt cheeks to grab onto to flip them. BUTT CHEEKS people.
-Kids getting their faces smooshed into a gross rubber matt and then scooched across the ground.
Things I learned:
-I think you can get points for lots of things in wrestling. I kept hearing something about flipping or rolling or some business like that.
-The refs get to wear sweet sweatbands.
-Middle school boys can be really scary when they are trying to flip another boy over.
-You get your fingernails checked before you wrestle.
-There is a LOT of yelling at wrestling meets. A LOT.
All in all, it was a pretty entertaining, horrifying and educational afternoon.
Today, one of my students and I were wearing pretty much the exact same tan, button up v-neck cardigan. Except that HE paired it with a tshirt, sweatpants and tennis shoes. I went a different route.
The student in my class who wore the blue zip up every day has made a big life change and switched it up. He has made big moves and is moving up in the world. He now wears a gray zip up hoodie every day. We wouldn't want him getting TOO crazy on us. He also showed up the other day wearing some beads he put on a string. He said that they were African fertility beads. I have no idea where he got that information. Another day he came with an old license plate around his neck with a different string. I'm not even sure about that one. He told me that now he was street legal. His new favorite pastime is talking in a pretty spot-on yet extremely annoying Russian accent. In his defense, he said it's because his sister watches Despicable Me at least 2 times each day.